What is “Next Content Ideas” and how does it work?
Content Plan, along with the Next Content Ideas feature, helps generate more writing ideas and ensures comprehensive topic coverage.
Next Content Ideas works by analyzing a given keyword, along with your own domain and your competitors’ content. Based on this analysis, it offers related keyword phrases along with additional data. These suggestions can be used to find additional related ideas for writing to gain expertise in the main topic.
How can I access Next Content Ideas feature?
- Click on the Next Content Ideas button located in the Content editor menu on the left side.
- In the next step, in the Next Content ideas window click on the Find New Ideas.
How can I see competitors data for every Content idea?
To access competitors data, including their positions in Google and coverage for each recommended keyword in Next Content Ideas, first, add competitor websites at the project level.
You can do this in the Project Settings.
Are Next Content Ideas available in the all plans?
Access to automatically generated Next Content Ideas requires a Gold plan or any other higher plan.