Zapier Integration in Neuronwriter: How It Works

This version allows you to:

  • generate new queries
  • check queries status
  • retrieve recommendations for queries processed by NeuronWriter
  • retrieve content saved and marked as “Done” in NeuronWriter’s editor

Also, more integrations are in development!
If you need more triggers /actions, please let us know. They might be added in the future depending on your needs.

Our Zapier application is now avaiable as a public beta:

For a smooth start, we’ve prepared some Zap templates for you:

Zap #1: Creates a new NeuronWriter query based on a table record

Anytime a new record is created in Zapier Tables, create new query in NeuronWriter.

Zap template

Zap #2: Saves NeuronWriter recommendations generated for a query

When NeuronWriter finishes processing the query, it retrieves recommendations and saves them as a new record in Zapier Tables.

Zap template

Zap #3: Retrieves content from NeuronWriter when the user marked the query as “Done”.

When query is marked as “Done” (content has been saved in NeuronWriter), gets the content saved for a query in NeuronWriter and creates record in Zapier Tables.

Zap template