Does NeuronWriter have a Chrome extension?

How to download the NeuronWriter extension from the Chrome Web Extension store? You can download extension from Chrome Web Extension store: To use the extension requires a CONTADU or NeuronWriter account. How to use NeuronWriter Chrome Extension: Open the Google Docs/Wordpress/Shopify(products) editor. Log in to Extension with your Neuron account information. Select already created query(analysis) […]

What is the Fact Extraction feature in NeuronWriter?

About Fact Extraction The fact extraction feature is one of the stages of the Content Designer. It allows you to create more relevant and more informative articles by incorporating information from TOP competitors’ websites and any sources from the URLs. Here’s a brief overview of how it works: Activate Content Designer: It enhance article creation […]

What is the Internal links suggestion feature in NeuronWriter?

What is the internal links suggestions? The internal linking feature suggests a set of similar articles related to a specific keyword within your domain.It is recommended to establish links to these articles. Does this feature suggest how I should link? It is only a suggestion of similarity. How you are going to link between them […]

What is the Target URL in NeuronWriter?

What is the Target URL feature in NeuronWriter? The Target URL in NeuronWriter allows you to define queries for specific articles’ URLs. You can set the URL manually or request a suggestion from the project domain. This feature only works for domain-related projects.The target URL feature allows you to organize your dashboard by displaying specific […]

Does NeuronWriter support different languages?

NeuronWriter supports 170 languages, making it a tool suitable for international content projects. NeuronWriter analyzes Google results and competitors content in over 170 languages. Depending on the language model, some offer very high-quality NLP recommendations and content generation, while others are more basic. You can find the available languages and their support levels for NLP […]

Do AI credits in NeuronWriter roll over to the next month?

Do AI credits roll over to the next month? No, AI credits do not carry over to the next month. How often are AI credits renewed? AI credits are renewed on a monthly basis, providing you with a new set of credits at the start of each resetting cycle. What are AI credits specifically allocated […]

Can we swap projects for other projects in NeuronWriter?

Can we swap projects out for other projects or domains as needed? Yes, you can swap domains or projects without any limitations while keeping the same limit of assigned projects. For instance, if your limit is 10 projects, you can start with 10 projects, delete those 10 projects, and set up 10 new projects within […]