What are the Custom Templates in NeuronWriter?

Custom Templates are specially designed to allow users create content tailored to their specific preferences.
These templates enable users to customize a prompts and writing styles to match their individual requirements, ensuring a more personalized content creation experience.

Where can I find Custom Templates?

  • Open the Editor.
  • Locate the AI Writing section.
  • On the right-hand side of the Editor’s panel, find the Custom Templates section.
  • Select the Custom Templates section to get started.

How to use Custom Templates for writing?

Step 1: In the AI Writing section browse Custom template and select New Template to start.

Custom Template section

Step 2: Create your Custom Template.

  • Write the Name of Template. You’ll find customizable fields/ variables tailored to create your prompts.
  • Select suitable fields / variables during creating your prompt in the appropriate box. All the variables you enter in the prompt will return as fields in your template that you need to fill out.
  • And put instruction text in the input box.
  • Then Save your custom Template by clicking the ” Save template” button. Your Custom Template is now created.

Note: In Advanced options you’ll find more customizable fields/ variables tailored to create your unique prompts for different types of content.

Step 3: Use Custom Template for writing purpose.

Select your Custom template and start creating your content. Just fill in the required information within the fields and click “Write for me” to generate your content.

Ready-to-use Custom Template